Episode 4: Advice for Dietitians Who Want to Work in Fire

In this episode of the Fire Rescue Wellness Podcast, I bring back my friend Megan Lautz-The Rescue RD to talk about her path to becoming a dietitian for firefighters and law enforcement officers.

Megan fell into the opportunity, but took the reins and leveraged her position to learn as much as she could about public safety .⁣Megan is a Registered Dietitian and strength coach with a Master's in Sports Nutrition. Her mission is to help firefighters perform better, recover faster, and enjoy long healthy retirements. ⁣

Prior to joining Fairfax Fire in 2021, Megan worked with Montgomery County Fire and Police from 2017-2021. While a civilian, Megan has strived to understand the challenges firefighters face when trying to stay healthy. She has trained for and passed CPAT, completed 24-hour ride-alongs, and is heavily involved in fire recruit training and nutrition. Megan provides healthy dinner demonstrations, nutrition roundtable discussions, workouts, and mobility sessions to career firefighters out in the field.

⁣Megan is the owner of RescueRD LLC, which provides nutrition seminars and coaching for tactical athletes across the country.⁣

So what, now what??

If you are a civilian who wants to work in public safety, cultural competence is key. Take every opportunity possible to learn about the job. If you are an administrator looking for an outside professional, listen up for some great tips!

⁣To listen to Megan’s previous episode, click here:


To find out more about the Rescue RD, follow Megan on social media!



Download her free Firehouse Dinner Recipe Book which is available on her website www.RescueRD.com⁣

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Episode 5: Welcome to Firefighterstraps.com!


Episode 3: Small/Medium Sized Department Health and Wellness Program Management with Lt Luke Peterson