Fire Rescue Wellness Services for Fire Departments
Fire Rescue Wellness offers a versatile range of services, allowing you to tailor your interventions to the specific needs of your department. As a retired firefighter and culturally competent professional, I provide educational interventions that have been well-received by firefighters and fire departments.
Here’s how you can begin:
Need a low barrier to entry?
Many fire departments begin their relationship with FRW by scheduling a virtual or in-person lecture for their personnel.
STEP ONE: Start by scheduling a one-hour lecture for each shift on a topic that significantly impacts firefighter health and wellness. Lectures can cover areas such as sleep, nutrition, physical fitness activity, or specialty areas such as recruit onboarding or injury risk management. These lectures can be provided virtually or in person, (remember, travel from OKC will be included in the quote.)
STEP TWO: After the initial lecture, gather feedback from your crews to gauge their experience and interest. This feedback will help you justify and plan for additional lectures, ensuring that your personnel not only receive the education they need but also feel valued and heard.
Start with smaller bites of education for your firefighters on a monthly basis: Many departments find that adding the Virtual Wellness Series to their Target Solutions Training works like a charm. A monthly 30-minute lecture on topics related to physical and mental health and wellness provides just the right amount of knowledge to create action and forward momentum.
Ready to jump in with both feet?
Start here if you are ready for more comprehensive services for your department.
OPTION ONE: Book a 7-hour consultation/training day where together we will design a custom ‘choose your own adventure’ day that best suits your department. Options include lectures, hands-on training sessions, demonstrations, individual consultations, and departmental needs assessments.
OPTION TWO: Sit down with AZ for a fully comprehensive departmental needs assessment to determine a specific and targeted path to meet your health and wellness program where it currently is and plan an effective trajectory for the future. What’s a needs assessment, you ask?
A needs assessment considers all of your stakeholders, the current health and wellness state of the department, the strategic plan, available space, equipment, community relationships, current and future sources of funding, and so much more! Your department will walk away with a step-wise action roadmap!
Download my service brochure to see all of my options for working together in one place.
I provide you with the information you need to make immediate changes in your life and career. Topics range from habit formation and goal setting to nutrition and physical job readiness. I will provide you with clear, actionable strategies so you can implement change in a step by step fashion.
Check out my webinar recording:
Wellness Solutions for Fire Departments Webinar ($35)
Speaking Engagements
Whether a large conference or connecting with a small department, I love nothing more than speaking and delivering scientifically-based health and wellness information that is interactive, inspirational, educational, and actionable.
Discipline, accountability, and habit formation
Movement for Life
Performance Enhancement
By request
Department Health and Wellness Consultations
I provide your department with a customized health and wellness solution utilizing feedback and consultation from your department’s stakeholders. You will be provided with realistic next steps, tools and resources to enhance the overall well-being of your team.
On-site consultations
On-site educational lecture
Stakeholder meetings, interviews and information gathering
Comprehensive needs analysis and report including actionable next steps and strategies within two weeks of on-site visit
Health and Wellness Program Implementation
I take the lead in managing your department’s entire health and wellness program ensuring everything from fitness testing, strength and conditioning, wellness resources to keep your crew performing their best.
Fitness testing and assessment
Comprehensive health and wellness program design
Quarterly educational lectures
On-going communication and support
Email support for personnel
Injury and medical triage within a trusted referral network
Free Resource Guides
Get the FREE resource I made for firefighters who want to survive and thrive in the fire service
Surviving isn’t thriving and ‘not dead’ isn’t the same thing as kicking a**. When you raise your right hand and swear the oath to protect lives and property in your community, you don’t receive the playbook of how to protect and serve yourself.
Check out AZ’s top tips for firefighter fitness, health, and wellness in this PDF.
Get the FREE resource I made for fire administrators
Your fire department doesn’t need a fitness program, they need a comprehensive health and wellness program.
Check out a dozen of AZ’s tips for successful implementation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Unfortunately, the answer is a resounding NO! I’m not a box checker. I’m a health and wellness life changer. If you’re looking for someone to check boxes, I’m not the right choice for you. If you’re looking to bolster the mental and physical quality of life for your firefighters both on and off duty, then we should talk. Fitness is only a small part of that equation.
Step one is to grab your stakeholders and get them on a free 15-minute discovery call. Please make sure your Chief or other decision maker is on the call. Book that here. During the call, I don’t solve problems or give you answers, I listen to your needs and then we decide collectively if it makes sense to work together. Subsequent steps are defined after the discovery call.
Fire Rescue Wellness provides options ranging from educational webinars to a comprehensive needs analysis/roadmap for success to complete health and wellness program management. There’s an answer for every budget. Keep in mind that both private and government grants are available and worker’s compensation insurance agencies often provide funding and/or reimbursement.
Fire Rescue Wellness focuses primarily on firefighter health and wellness, but all tactical professionals will benefit from intelligently designed health and wellness resources. Military, law enforcement agencies, dispatchers and EMS personnel are all ideal candidates for services.
I no longer routinely work with individuals. I periodically open my schedule for short-term in-person or virtual clients or consultations. Get on my waiting list here.