Fire Rescue Wellness Services for Health and Wellness Professionals
Building Your Career in Fire: A Health and Wellness Professional's Roadmap
The course is a 6-week hybrid small-group coaching experience via Zoom and pre-recorded sessions.
I have a proven track record of assisting experienced and credentialed health and wellness professionals in gaining employment and service contracts with Fire Departments. My experience is your rocket fuel to speed up a prolonged process.
Speaking Engagements
Whether a large conference or connecting with a small department, I love nothing more than speaking and delivering scientifically-based health and wellness information that is interactive, inspirational, educational, and actionable.
Discipline, accountability, and habit formation
Movement for Life
Performance Enhancement
By request
Guides and Webinars
Get the FREE resource I made for those looking to work in fire
Athletic trainers, physical therapists, strength coaches, dietitians, mental health professionals: the fire service needs you!
Departments might not be aware of it, but your skills and services can greatly impact the lives of firefighters and the ability of fire departments to provide top notch service to their citizens. Although firefighter fitness is certainly paramount, mental health, quick mitigation of injuries and education on sleep and nutrition make a big impact too.
This free PDF provides a step-by-step system from creating a connection with a department to devising a service menu to presenting a contract.