Building Your Career in Fire: A Health and Wellness Professional's Roadmap

This course is a 6-week hybrid coaching program that includes live small-group coaching via Zoom and pre-recorded sessions that will give you my exact method for securing contracted positions or jobs working with fire departments as a health and wellness professional.

Registration will open in late April 2025!

Those who are on the interest list will get exclusive access to a discount on the course, a chance to get my exact template for pitching my services to fire departments, and first dibs on seats in the course.

Accelerate the lengthy process to start working with fire departments and achieve your goals faster. 

I help experienced and credentialed health and wellness professionals like you secure employment and service contracts with Fire Departments by eliminating the overwhelm and confusion around getting started and making a plan. This course guides you on an often uncertain, indistinct journey that can be lengthy, even under ideal conditions. I've made all the missteps, so you don't have to.

This course is perfect for you if:

  1. If you are an Athletic Trainer (AT), Physical Therapist (PT), Strength & Conditioning Coach (S & C Coach), Dietitian, or Mental Health Professional interested in working with a Fire Department

  2. If you’ve encountered difficulties contacting or communicating with a Fire Department or if you have yet to take the first step

You may be asking yourself…

  • Who should I contact at the Fire Department?

  • What should I say when speaking with a chief or firefighter?

  • What types of services can I provide to support the performance of firefighters?

  • What are common injuries that affect firefighters?

  • Would education on sleep, nutrition, mental health, and physical fitness be beneficial?

  • How should I price my services and present my proposals?

  • How can I effectively communicate my knowledge and expertise?

  • Why does the process seem to take so long?

I'm here to help! From learning the language and navigating rotating schedules to identifying the right administrators and developing a tailored offer, I'll guide you every step of the way.

The success you can expect to have after the course, as told by previous attendees…

What you get:  The course is a 6-session hybrid small-group coaching experience via Zoom and pre-recorded sessions.

I have a proven track record of assisting experienced and credentialed health and wellness professionals in gaining employment and service contracts with Fire Departments. My experience is your rocket fuel to speed up a prolonged process.

How it works: Three live calls lasting between 60-90 minutes and three pre-recorded lectures you watch in between calls comprise the course. You receive the first pre-recorded lecture upon registration. Live meetings take place at 6 pm Central Time via Zoom. If you cannot attend the live session, recordings will be available for you to watch as soon as the next day, although I highly recommend attending in person. The live calls will include bonus information, GSD (get s*** done), and interactive Q&A sessions. I will match your energy, so bring it!

Important Course Dates:
The course will begin on May 5th and will go until June 9. Live calls are May 12, 27, and June 9th. You’ll also get pre-recorded lessons on May 5, 19, and June 2.

Webinar 1: Setting Expectations, Learning about Fire Departments, and Creating Cultural Competency
Self-Reflection: Are YOU the right person for this job?
Different types of FDs and their governing bodies
Getting and staying on their radar
FF personality profiles
Understanding the culture
Physical performance requirements
Needs assessment process

Webinar 2: Cultivating a Relationship
Creating a relationship from thin air
Developing your SOPs
Designing your solution
Refining the offer

Webinar 3: Crafting the Proposal
The DOs and the DO NOTs
Writing the proposal
Following through

Live Call Topics
Bring your questions, sticking points, challenges
Work on your personal SOPs, needs analysis, and proposals
Get feedback from AZ and the group


Registration is closed. Get on the waitlist by filling out the form below.





I believe in managing expectations, both yours and my own. Therefore, check out these FAQs and email me at if you have other questions.

  • Experienced and credentialed Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapists, Strength and Conditioning Coaches, Dietitians, and Mental Health Professionals who aspire to work for or contract with a fire department.

  • There are always exceptions to the rule, but in my experience, the typical personal trainer may be ill-equipped to serve the needs of a fire department. Regardless, you will likely find the class very helpful if you are highly motivated and good at listening around the edges.

  • I have had several participants who, despite the class not being designed for those populations, were very good at "listening around the edges" and have successfully applied what they learned in class to procure contracts in Law Enforcement.

  • You will watch three webinars independently. You will also have live calls via Zoom. All live calls are recorded and released the next business day.

  • The fire service is still catching up concerning recognizing the need for outside health and wellness professionals. In addition, the fire service is highly reactive and generally not proactive. In short, these jobs typically don't exist, and you need to create the position yourself via a contracting relationship. Navigating that path can be long and arduous. I share all the shortcuts, so you don't have to fall off the bridge.

  • Short answer: usually a long time. 5-6 years isn't unheard of.

    Long answer: there is no cheat code, but my course is the closest thing you'll find.


Get on the waitlist for April 2025 by filling out the form below.