Episode 64: Watering the Horses with Annette Zapp, CSCS*D

Listener Roy asked, "Regarding firefighter and fire department training questions, my issues are less with leading the horses to the proverbial water and more with getting them to drink it. Strategies I see are usually focused on getting career firefighters to exercise on shift, but there are notable nuances between career and paid-on-call/ volunteer departments that result in those strategies falling flat in departments like mine."

I did clarify with Roy. He is a paid-on-call department.

“I’m hoping to crowdsource and or brainstorm ideas with others like me at the upcoming NVFC Summit do you have any thoughts or experiences?"

I sure do! Listen to this episode to find out some of my thoughts.

So what, now what?
Most people don't love to exercise, so meeting them where they are and lowering those barriers to entry are two big ways you can help them drink the water. Also, keep in mind that your job isn't to convince. You're not a used car salesman!


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Episode 65: The S*** Doesn't Fit with Meredith McQuerry Ph.D and Cassandra Kwon Ph.D


Episode 63: Changing the World with Research with Tim Ziegenfuss, Ph.D.