Episode 35: Stepping Out from Behind the Shield with James Geering

The Behind the Shield Podcast is one of the most successful and well-known podcasts for first responders and one of the first I ever listened to. James and I have been friends for years, and I was honored to bring him on as a guest.

We discussed everything from his early life to his fire career to his thoughts about work schedules and recruitment/retention. 

James Geering was born in England and spent almost thirty years there before emigrating to the U.S.  Early years saw him in a spectrum of jobs, from lifeguard to stuntman.  Geering had always dreamed of becoming a Firefighter but was told as a child that poor color vision would disqualify him from the process.  It wasn't until he moved to America that he realized the vision deficit was mild and a poor excuse for not following his dream.  James promptly enrolled in the Fire Academy, and the rest is history.  Geering was a Firefighter/Paramedic and retired to make a more significant impact on other first responders. He is also a Crossfit coach and a graduate of the University of Florida with a Bachelor's in Exercise Physiology and Kinesiology.

Read more about James here!

So what, now what?

Sometimes, the most significant impact you can make as a first responder is the work you do outside of being a first responder. Take care of yourself and take care of others!

Email James: jamesgeering@hotmail.com

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Listen to me on Behind the Shield


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Episode 36: Notes from 'Past Me' with Annette Zapp, CSCS*D


Episode 34: Shattering the Box: Insight from Unlikely Places with Annette Zapp, CSCS*D