Episode 20: Fire Department Fitness isn't a DIY with AZ

Welcome to my first solo episode!

A nearly 20-year fire service veteran, Zapp holds the rank of Lieutenant and owns Fire Rescue Wellness, a coaching business dedicated to elevating the mental and physical wellness of firefighters worldwide. She earned a master’s degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of South Dakota School of Medicine and is a National Strength and Conditioning Association CSCS *D and TSAC-F *D. She’s also certified by the International Society of Sports Nutrition and the Society for Neurosports.

In 2020, she served on an Illinois Senate task force focused on mitigating first responder suicide. Zapp is a former adjunct faculty member at the University of Denver in the graduate program for Sport Coaching, a recognized industry leader in the firefighter health and wellness field, a co-author of the recently published ISSN Position Stand on Tactical Athlete Fueling, a proud member of the newly formed Associated Firefighters of Illinois Resiliency Committee.

Hear what I have to say about the DIY method for fire department fitness.  Spoiler alert: I haven't seen it work very well.

So what? Now what?

Give your department a fighting chance by hiring a competent and experienced coach.  Peer fitness trainers?  Sure.  Use them as force multipliers for that coach!

Grab a free PDF on setting up a FD health and wellness program!


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Episode 21: Protein, Gainz and the ISSN with Dr. Jose Antonio


Episode 19: MOAR Joy with Shanté Cofield, the Movement Maestro