Episode 12: Small/Medium Sized Department Health and Wellness Program Management with Lt Andy Scott

Lt Andy Scott was one of the first nine full-time employees hired by the Plainfield, IL Fire Protection District 17 years ago. As his wife, Sarah, might say, he got OBSESSED with fitness and later the health and wellness aspects of his fire department.

He looked at what the hospital was offering for fitness testing and decided that he could do it better in-house, and he was correct.

He's accomplished a lot during his tenure, but he advises to "Never take your foot off the gas and always keep pushing forward!"

Andy and I talk about the tattoo sleeve that his children designed (peep that podcast artwork!), his long path to where the health and wellness program is now, how he effectively worked with his Union on the initiative (Spoiler:  it helped that he was an executive board member!), and how although you can try to test and measure for fit for duty, it's probably more easily measured on the drill ground.

So what? Now what?

Plainfield FPD has come a long way in 17 years and they have resources that your department might not currently have.  That doesn't mean that you can't have a strong program in your department too. 

The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago.  The next best time is TODAY!  Get started!

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Episode 13: Tactical Dinner Parties with Nate Palin


Episode 11: Becoming a Fire Department Athletic Trainer with Mo Shea